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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Storable Breakfast - Pancakes

Creating a food storage meal plan can feel a little overwhelming. Let's begin with breakfast since it is the easiest meal of the day.

Who can resist hot pancakes for breakfast? A very easy breakfast to have in your food storage meal plan is pancakes. There are store bought mixes available or you can mix one up of your own using your favorite recipe. Replace the eggs that are called for with dehydrated eggs to make it a "just add water" mix.

Don't forget to also store syrup or jam so you'll have something tasty to serve with your pancakes.

We use about 3 cups of mix for our family so it would take 18 cups (3x6 - remember that you need to have enough of each recipe in your plan to make it 6 times) to be able to serve pancakes once every 2 weeks for 3 months. We like pancakes enough that I store enough to be able to make them once a week. This means we keep 36 cups of mix at our house all the time.

If pancakes are one of your family's favorite breakfasts, you can add it to your plan and then stock up on pancake mix. Easy enough - 

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