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Monday, March 14, 2011

Storable Breakfast - Yogurt Smoothie

Drinkable yogurt or yogurt smoothies are delicious but they can be spendy. This homemade yogurt version costs me less than 40 cents a quart! (You can make this with store bought plain yogurt but it will cost you a lot more.) My boys come racing into the kitchen when I call out that we are having a smoothie for breakfast.

Pour homemade yogurt in the blender. Add frozen fruit. We used a banana and some raspberries this time.
Sweeten with powdered sugar and a little vanilla to taste.

Blend until smooth. Enjoy with muffins for a quick and tasty breakfast!


  1. Thank you for this website and all the great cooking tips. I am hoping through you I can do better with my food storage and using it more than just storing it forever and not know what to do with it. I also love your mixes idea and am going to start with the cornbread recipe to get a bunch of these stored away for a rainy day.

  2. I really hope this blog can inspire many families. Please pass on the link to others you know who may be interested.
